Properly planned and managed food plots are an excellent way
to supplement the diet of your game animals during the lean months of
winter. For the maximum benefit they should be maintained year round.
Let us help you improve the carrying capacity of your land.
Food plots located near pine forests generally have acetic
soil and require the pH to be adjusted for the vegetation that will
be planted. Some grains such as wheat and rye require a higher nitrogen
level. Let us help to ensure you are using the right mixture of fertilizers
and chemicals for the specific requirement.
There several different methods of planting. Using the correct
one ensures your wildlife will actually benefit from your efforts. The
most common method of harrowing a food plot, throwing the seed and covering
the seed up with the harrow works well with cow peas and grains. However,
special planting techniques are required for clovers and many of the
smaller seeds. Inoculating these seeds before planting can greatly increase
germination success. Corn and perennial peanut require special planting
techniques and equipment.
Timing is critical for planting food plots. In the fall deer
and turkeys diets will consist primarily of acorns. Once the mast crop
starts to disappear your food plots must be ready to take over. Plant
too soon and your winter plots could be destroyed by a warm spell. Planting
your winter plot too late and your wildlife will not have the food source
when they need it the most.
Planting too soon in the spring may deprive a hen and her brood from
the abundance of insects attracted to your winter plots. In many cases,
it is better to wait until early to mid summer to plant. Your food plot
will will be prime when there is little new growth on the natural food
You can certainly spend a lot of money on the various wildlife
seed mixtures available on the market today. Some are better than others
depending on the soil and climate conditions of the specific food plot.
Our wildlife management program can save you time, money and have an
extremely positive effect on the quantity and quality of your wildlife.
Call us today and let us put our experience to work for you and benefit
of your wildlife.